Caterpillar Rain Garden

Caterpillar Rain Garden

Caterpillar Trinity Primary School “There is a ladder that children can climb up to use the caterpillar as a climbing frame. It surrounded by shrubs and plants ” Physical Activity • Social Play • Role Play • Nature based play   ‘Witnessing the enthusiasm and...


Slug Trinity School “It's next to the basketball courts. We can run around the orange slugs spirals in our nature garden”  It is on the playground by basket ball courts. It is made of brightly coloured wood. Physical Activity • Social Play • Nature based play...
Dinosaur Garden

Dinosaur Garden

Dinosaur Garden Trinity Primary School “There is mechanism that opens the crocodile mouth and inside it there is a flower garden! We can all could play with it by climbing up it’s jaw” Physical Activity • Social Play • Role Play • Nature based play...
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